Quotes from The Bracebridge Dinner

Rory: That is the single most incredible snowman I have ever seen.
Lorelai: I'm sorry, that snowman is way over the top, way too showy, it's screaming, "I'm incredilbe, I'm special, look at me."
Rory: Kind of the point of a snowman-building contest.

Rory: She says the news never sleeps.
Lorelai: What about Paris? Does she ever sleep?
Rory: I think she periodically makes a whirring noise and then just shuts down.

Sookie: Hey, you cats really know how to blow those things.

Chris: Where are you, heaven?

Lorelai: It would be like "The Shining" except instead of Jack Nicholson we have Roon.

Lorelai: I'll put Jess in with Miss Patty.
Rory: There'll be no Jess left in the morning.

Rory: I don't understand why people put pictures on cards.
Lorelai: Do they not understand that we are unapologetic mockers?
Rory: There's an unexplained innocence in the world.

Bootsy: I spent a summer training horses in Montana.
Luke: You get kicked in the head a lot?
Bootsy: Just the once.

Richard: When was the last time we were on a roller coaster?
Emily: Never.

Jess: We should have eaten before we came.
Luke: Shhh... and, yeah.

Jess: What's the white stuff?
Luke: I think it's cheese... or cream.
Jess: And the green stuff?
Luke: I think it's best picked off.

Lorelai: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Gilmores of our lives.

Lorelai: Hey, mom, you didn't make it back to the room last night. Did you get lucky?
Emily: Could you be any cruder?
Lorelai: Yeah, I could be cruder. Hey, mom, did you get lai...?
Rory: Thanks for coming!

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