Quotes from Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days

Lorelai: You're currently responsible for the great alarm clock slaughter of 2002.
Luke: No survivors?
Lorelai: One shaped like a bunny escaped with a mild decapitation.

Paris: Oh, man. I can't believe this. I finally get asked out on a date and I missed it.

Paris: I can instantly deduce that when someone hears the name "Paris" in the same sentence with the word "date," jaws will drop. Confused looks will cover faces. Words like "How?" and "Why?" and "Quick, Bob, get the children in the minivan because the world is coming to an end," will immediately fly out of people's mouths.

Paris: What if I fall for him and he doesn't like me?
Rory: Then you'll find someone else.
Paris: What if there is no one else?
Rory: Then you'll buy some cats.

Sookie: What do you think? Manly?
Lorelai: In an Oscar Wilde sort of way, absolutely.

Rory: Solidarity, sister.
Lorelai: Ya-ya!
Rory: You've been waiting for six weeks to do that, haven't you?
Lorelai: Ya-ya!

Lorelai: Do you sometimes thing this town is weird or is it just me?

Lorelai: You're upset.
Rory: No, I'm not upset.
Lorelai: Yes, you are upset. I know when you're upset because you look like my mother.
Rory: Thanks a lot.
Lorelai: You like my mother.
Rory: Yes, but you don't like your mother, so when you tell me that I look like your mother, it's not exactly a compliment.

Lorelai: Rory, what are you doing?
Rory: What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm ranting. You should recognize this, I learned it from you.

Luke: It's tough when the universe is aganist you. That's like taking on the Manhattan Garbage Union.

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