Quotes from Take the Deviled Eggs
Taylor: Protesting is not allowed in the town square. Period. It's un-American.
Luke: You mean like the Revolutionary War?
Babette: And Rosa Parks?
Taylor: That's different. They were against the British and buses. And no one likes the British... or buses.
Rory: I can go from zero to studying in less than sixty seconds.
Lorelai: They're moving the couch.
Rory: Bless you for being here.
Lorelai: Don't mock.
Rory: I'm just trying to joke you down off that ledge.
Lorelai: You want to devil-egg Jess's car?
Lorelai: Maybe we should have headed for the border.
Rory: Which border?
Lorelai: The one between America and Sephoraland?
Miss Patty: This is a very nice protest so far.
Lorelai: One of the best I've ever been to.
Babette: It's fun seeeing everybody like this.
Luke: We see each other every day!
Lorelai: But we don't all stand around in a clump like this.
Luke: True.
Guy: We should have brought food.
Miss Patty: Well, we'll know better next time.
Jess: Someone devil-egged my car.
Luke: Well, that is paprika.
Jess: Someone prepared deviled eggs to throw at my car?
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